Join the team of Spolu s odvahou fundraisers!

Let charity be your hobby!

The Tím odvahy supported Spolu s odvahou Foundation with EUR 105 184 in total since 2011.

Latest foundraisers


Stačí málo, aby sa zmenilo veľa


Daruj radosť najmenším


EUR 0 Goal EUR 500 0 %


Spolu za úsmev


EUR 55 Goal EUR 100 55 %


Aby sa sny ťažko chorých detí mohli stať skutočnosťou


EUR 50 Goal EUR 300 16 %


Prekonaj sa


EUR 30 Goal EUR 300 10 %


15 rokov ODVAHY


Spolu to dokážeme


EUR 510 Goal EUR 500 102 %


Róbert Darnady MMM 2024


EUR 750 Goal EUR 500 150 %


Mira beží 51 km Zoborskou lesostepou


EUR 500 Goal EUR 500 100 %


DSV ženy


EUR 428 Goal EUR 300 142 %


Running2 pomáhá


EUR 10 Goal EUR 300 3 %


UCEKAJME od Tatier k Dunaju


EUR 140 Goal EUR 500 28 %


Do tábora na 2 kolesách


EUR 515 Goal EUR 100 515 %


Tím odvahy spolu odvahou


EUR 100 Goal EUR 500 20 %


Vypotené (kilo)metre pre deti s dlhodobými ochoreniami


EUR 350 Goal EUR 200 175 %




EUR 0 Goal EUR 100 0 %


Charity running Marian Magdolen


EUR 240 Goal EUR 200 120 %


Spolu s odvahou


EUR 90 Goal EUR 200 45 %


IRONMAN under 11 hours


EUR 1 401 Goal EUR 3 000 46 %

Let charity be your hobby!

Tím odvahy is the community of Spolu s odvahou fundraisers. With our fundraisers, we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Together with our colleagues we can turn charity into an excellent team-building activity! Will you join in?

They said about us

“An amazing bomb of self-confidence! When friends you haven’t seen in years message you how awesome is what you do and how proud they are... I would prescribe fundraising as a cure for everyone!”

“I received more than mere motivation: supporting words, love, and encouragement. Faith.”

“Spolu s odvahou gave me wings, the purple shirt gave me magical strength.”

“I feel I made the best decision of my life when I joined you...”

“I am not a professional runner or athlete, I will not be the first to reach the finish line. However, it is certain there is no hurdle, fatigue or difficulty I cannot overcome for Spolu s odvahou and through them for severely ill children, because their happiness and support are at stake now!”

“I met the team wearing purple shirts at the square. I soon realized I can whistle, shout, or even stand on my head, I cannot overdo this team, in the best sense. They cheered everybody, with such power and love which almost made me starting to run in my sandals, jeans, and backpack.”

“During the race, I could overcome the difficulties often only with the purple shirt team, shouting, cheering, giving high-fives.”

“It was incredible to see how many friends of mine supported by cookie sale. I love baking, and when someone likes my cookies, but I didn’t expect it to be such an experience! And for everyone!”

Newest blogposts

Challenge accomplished

Bátor Tábor, the ‘camp of courage’ is dedicated to provide life-changing experiences to seriously ill children and their families, and also to those families who have suffered the loss of a child. ( I also set myself a challenge this year to cycle to and from the camp, where I took on the role of Interpreter CIMBORA. And you had the opportunity to "adopt" some kilometers and support the effort to get as many children to the camp as possible. I successfully completed the challenge, covering a total of 402.8 km with an elevation gain of 2,480 m. But this ...


I successfully reached my destination. After a week full of experiences at Bátor Tábor and short nights that lasted a maximum of 4 hours (the camp wasn't exhausting, I just didn't want to miss out on any experience 😁), I made it home. I managed to complete the challenge I set for myself. More detailed statistics will come tomorrow, I can't manage it today 🙂 But at least some info: today I did 205 km with an elevation gain of 1178 m, and here are a few photos." And a big glass of Granko is a must.☕️❤️🚴‍♂️🙂

Past the halfway point

Hi everyone. I took another break on the road. Half of the journey is successfully completed. 😁 115 km out of 200 km. Yay! However, I'm starting to feel the sleep deficit from Bátor Tábor. But I'm doing fine for now, so I'll rest a bit and then continue. ❤️🚴‍♂️🙂 Link to track my location:

Home from Bátor Tábor

On the road again, but now heading home from Bátor Tábor, moving full steam ahead. The first 54 km out of 200 are already done. The weather is perfect. I’m a bit tired after the whole week, but everything is going smoothly. And a few pictures of how I was seen off by the most amazing people in the world: the CIMBORAS from BÁTOR TÁBOR. ❤️🚴‍♂️🙂 Link to track my location:


Here I go. I have successfully arrived in Bátor Tábor (Brave's Camp). The week of fun can begin. A huge thank you to everyone who followed me and supported children with cancer ❤️ THANK YOU ❤️ But it's not over yet. 🙂 After the camp is over, I'm also planning a bike trip back.

The last etape

And I am slowly approaching the finish. At the moment, I have covered 154 km, so if the planning app is correct, there are less than 50 km left and an elevation of 200 m. So, one last break, I'll replenish some energy, and we're going to the FINISH. ❤️🚴‍♂️


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