Join the team of Spolu s odvahou fundraisers!

Let charity be your hobby!

The Tím odvahy supported Spolu s odvahou Foundation with EUR 98 645 in total since 2011.

Latest foundraisers


Spartan race


Pre malých-veľkých hrdinov!


Sajfa beží pre podporu detí


Daruj úsmev


Lazová stovka 2024


47 rokov odvahy


ČSOB maratón – Jano s Jušom pre deti


Daruj úsmev deťom


Adrián pre zdravie detí


Pomôžme, keď môžme


Milan beží za deti


ČSOB marathon – Lukáš runs for children’s smiles


DXC RUN4 kids 24


100km v Novembri


EUR 0 Goal EUR 100 0 %


Chicago Marathon 2023


EUR 310 Goal EUR 300 103 %


Zúbriková Gabika

Medzinárodný maratón mieru Košice


EUR 353 Goal EUR 250 141 %



Medzinárodný maratón mieru Košice


EUR 20 Goal EUR 300 6 %


Maximilián Pallo – Spartan Race Beast


EUR 510 Goal EUR 500 102 %


Beinstein Dominik

Spartan race Beast- Valčianska dolina


EUR 100 Goal EUR 100 100 %


Štober Peter

Medzinárodný maratón mieru Košice


EUR 500 Goal EUR 500 100 %

Let charity be your hobby!

Tím odvahy is the community of Spolu s odvahou fundraisers. With our fundraisers, we have been encouraging severely ill children since 2011. In the meantime, we pursue our obsessions - do sports, cook, play music, celebrate, or juggle while standing on our heads. Together with our colleagues we can turn charity into an excellent team-building activity! Will you join in?

Close to the goal


DXC RUN4 kids 24


Adrián pre zdravie detí


Daruj úsmev deťom


ČSOB maratón – Jano s Jušom pre deti


47 rokov odvahy


Sajfa beží pre podporu detí


Pre malých-veľkých hrdinov!


Spartan race

They said about us

“An amazing bomb of self-confidence! When friends you haven’t seen in years message you how awesome is what you do and how proud they are... I would prescribe fundraising as a cure for everyone!”

“I received more than mere motivation: supporting words, love, and encouragement. Faith.”

“Spolu s odvahou gave me wings, the purple shirt gave me magical strength.”

“I feel I made the best decision of my life when I joined you...”

“I am not a professional runner or athlete, I will not be the first to reach the finish line. However, it is certain there is no hurdle, fatigue or difficulty I cannot overcome for Spolu s odvahou and through them for severely ill children, because their happiness and support are at stake now!”

“I met the team wearing purple shirts at the square. I soon realized I can whistle, shout, or even stand on my head, I cannot overdo this team, in the best sense. They cheered everybody, with such power and love which almost made me starting to run in my sandals, jeans, and backpack.”

“During the race, I could overcome the difficulties often only with the purple shirt team, shouting, cheering, giving high-fives.”

“It was incredible to see how many friends of mine supported by cookie sale. I love baking, and when someone likes my cookies, but I didn’t expect it to be such an experience! And for everyone!”

Newest blogposts

Nový článok

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(Slovenčina) 23.9. 2023 Bude vo Valčianskej doline, neďaleko Martina veľmi zaujímavý pretek. Spartan Race prináša mnoho výziev ale najmä Valčianska dolina. Momentálne som prihlásený na Spartan Race - Beast, ktorý predstavuje beh viac než 22 kilometrov a 30 prekážok. S tímom odvahy idem týmto pretekom ukázať, že keď sa chce, všetko sa dá zvládnuť. Pomôžme ľuďom ktorí to najviac potrebujú a úkážme im,že nik nie je sám a že dobrí ľudia na svete ešte existujú a ze spolu to zvládneme. Držte palce

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A short video from OTKD 2022

You can watch a quick video from last year's run in our lineup at the attached link. In this video you will see overcoming our limits, difficult and joyful moments full of emotions and successfully reaching the goal. Despite the difficulty, we enjoyed every single kilometer to the fullest! We believe that through to this collection of money, we will be even more motivated and pushed forward this year.

Nový článok

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Nový článok

(Slovenčina) Behu Devín Bratislava sa zúčastnilo 61 DXC bežcov Ubehli 707,6 kilometrov 68:47:01 hodín behu 7.miesto DXC ako firemný tím Najrýchlejší bežci 1. ŠMOTLÁK Martin 0:40:38 33. miesto v absolútnom poradí 4. miesto zo 746 miest v kategórii muži 40-49 rokov 2. OCEL Marek 0:47:11 113. miesto z 1039 - muži do 40 rokov 3. PRIESOL Miroslav 0:48:07 39.miesto z 746 - muži 40 - 49 rokov VIDEO nájdete tu: GRATULUJEME a ĎAKUJEME


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