Your donation will be used for therapy programs for children with cancer and chronic diseases.
Hello everyone I joined to this program thanks to my good friend from Košice. I am healthy and full of taste and for that I am very grateful to God. In this way and with the extraction from it I wanted a little joy and pleasure to give to the ill children. Everyday movement in fresh air fills up with new energy and a taste for life. I like the prompts and the marathon is one of them. So I'll do my first marathon with a good thing. I will be very grateful for every gift. We are people and so help each other. I will try to do my best to accomplish my goals.
Dobehni to bez zachranky:-)
Joži ukáž im to !!! (y)
Jozi makaj 🙂
Budem silno držať prsty 🙂 A detičkam prajem veľa lásky, radosti a zazrakov 🙂
pre maratónca a detičky 😉
Tebe Ďoďo prajeme veľa síl na maratón a detičkam veľa chuti do života 🙂
Hlavne dobehni v zdraví 🙂
See how many people supported the campaign!
Dobehni to bez zachranky:-)
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