Your donation will be used for therapy programs for children with cancer and chronic diseases.
Hi All, I would like to highlight your attention to this great people, which are helping to sick children and give them support and help. I would like to be part of their team on Ultra race "Lazova stovka" which is happening this weekend (13-14 April 2019). By helping me and sending some money you will have those kids and their families to get much more then only money. Thank you and kind regards, Marek
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Ahoj Marecku! to je krasna iniciativa! Drzim palce, nech Tvoj Beh obohati Tvoju dusu a aspon ciastocne aj deti, ktore to potrebuju.
See how many people supported the campaign!
Dobre som si dal 🙂
Drzim palce 🙂
Ahoj Marecku! to je krasna iniciativa! Drzim palce, nech Tvoj Beh obohati Tvoju dusu a aspon ciastocne aj deti, ktore to potrebuju.
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