Your donation will be used for therapy programs for children with cancer and chronic diseases.
I am so happy I have had the opportunity to co-organize small charitable events over the past few years, the proceeds of which went to orphanages and families of seriously ill children. I still meet many of them nowadays and I believe this will not change. In fact, during the meetings with the children, I realized I had rarely seen signs of regret, abandonment, indifference, anger on their faces. On the contrary, despite their difficult fate, they often gave smiles, laughter and help to us – healthy ones. For me, the word courage means to want to wake up to a new day despite it is going to be full of pain and suffering, to have the power to fight that everything, and even to smile at it and say at the end of each difficult day: “I'll try again tomorrow. " I am extremely grateful I personally have a beautiful family, we are all alive and healthy, we can see the beauty of nature, we can hear birds chirping, we can smell the flowers, have something to eat and drink and don't miss the shelter. ... and since I have two healthy legs, I will take the opportunity to help create a better place to live for children who deserve it more than anyone else. On May 18th I am going to run a 113.4 kms long ultra marathon from Košice to Miskolc. I am selling my kilometers and donating the money to camps for oncologically ill children. I'll be glad if you support me in my effort.
Gabo, drzim nadalej palce
Angyal vagy GABI
Lenka si uzasna!
Guess Forrest!
Držím palce! 🙂
Držíme palce 🙂
Veľa sily tebe a všetkým statočným detičkám
Do toho, bratrancek! 🙂
Leni, sleduji Vás již dlouho a jste neuvěřitelná, co všechno dokážete, jste pro mě velkou inspirací, ze když se chce, tak jde všechno! Děkuji
Super, Gabi, držíme palce:)
Držíme palce, nech dobehneš vcelku 🙂 Peťa a Paťo
Sok sikert, Gabi!
Držím palce
držíme palce Gabi M&L
Držím palce 🙂
Dotohooooo ideš Gabiiii
Držím Ti palce Gabi, si veľký človek s veľkým srdcom
Klobúk dole Gabi!!! Stastlivo až do ciela
Veľa síl prajem a vychutnaj si každý km! Vďaka za Tvoju snahu!
Držím palce
Sok sikert Gabi
Prajem veľa síl. 😉
Veľa šťastia pri behu 🙂
Držím palce !
Držím prsty !
Držím palce v závodu a přeji hodně zdraví!
Drz sa Gabi! 😉
Držím palce
Držím ti palce 🙂
good luck
Som rád, že myslíš aj na druhých.
Prajem vám śpešný beh a prekročenie cieľovej sumy.
Len tak ďalej Gabi si skutočný hrdina !!!
silné a rýchle nohy
Pomeeeeee – good luck, great cause
Drzim palce
Veľa šťastia !
želáme ti rýchlo ubiehajúce kilometre 🙂
Veľa šťastia, nielen v behu!
Super, Gabi!
Gabi,veeela energie,nech ti to beziii!
Držíme palce bratm,ty to dáš!!!
Go Gabi goooo
Veľa štastia Gabi drž sa aby to dopadlo všetko čo najlepšie
prázdnu hlavu a ľahké nohy na ceste za tvojím cieľom, praje divé mača :*
Držíme ti palce, Gabi 🙂
Run baby run
Si TOP, si JEDNIČKA! Si ten na planéte Zem,vďaka ktorému svitá tu na lepšie časy.
Fuss Forrest
See how many people supported the campaign!
Gabo, drzim nadalej palce
Angyal vagy GABI
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