Martin Detvaj

Running has been my great passion for 8 years and I do it almost every day in my free time. When I'm not running, I support my running friends with my experiences and my inspirational posts on social media. Now I am very happy that, thanks to running, I can help to raise funds for experience programs for children with cancer. Thanks to your financial contributions, the TOGETHER WITH COURAGE foundation will be able to organize stays for other children who, although facing a serious illness, need to feel the pure joy at such moments. I have over 4,200 friends on Facebook, if only every tenth person contributed €5, we would be able to collect over €2,100€.

Money raised EUR 20
Campaigns 1
Blog posts 0

Campaigns (1)


#timodvahy @martindetvaj


EUR 20 Goal EUR 2 100 0 %


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