What is Tím odvahy?

Tím odvahy is a community of fundraisers for Spolu s odvahou Foundation. With the members of the team, we have been giving courage to seriously ill children since 2011. All this while indulging in our passion - we play sports, bake and cook, play music, celebrate. Together with you and your colleagues, we turn charity into a team builder! Will you join?

We join as a corporate team

Do you have questions? Contact us!

Simona Eliášová


How can we imagine a corporate fundraising campaign?

Let’s see an example of a charitable running team made up of colleagues!


Choose a challenge and apply

Tom is a mid-level manager at The Cool s.r.o. He would like to offer his colleagues a special team-building experience, and since social responsibility is also important to the company, he combines the pleasant with the useful: he encourages his colleagues to run a marathon together for good. After the team liked the idea, they clicked on the Join button and filled out the form to start their first Tím odvahy campaign.


The team's campaign page is ready

We will contact Tom in a few days. We help create the team's campaign page, where they introduce themselves, set a target amount to be collected, report on the progress of the preparation and collection in their blog, and collect donations and send out encouraging messages to their friends and work-buddies about the event.


Let's prep together to the fundraising campaign!

The campaign is on, it's time for colleagues, family, and friends to find out how cool are The Cool s.r.o.. members! They share the link of their fundraising campaign with everyone, where they can support their challenge with one click. The joint training sessions will also start!


The campaign ends: joy and pride

The Cool s.r.o. team is rightfully proud of themselfs, as they not only spent valuable, quality time together preparing for the marathon, but also collected more than 1000 EUR in donations for Spolu s odvahou! There is nothing left to do but to bask in the accolades pouring in from their supporters. They deserve it all, because they changed lives and seriously ill kids' as well.


The team's campaign page is ready

We will contact Tom in a few days. We help create the team's campaign page, where they introduce themselves, set a target amount to be collected, report on the progress of the preparation and collection in their blog, and collect donations and send out encouraging messages to their friends and work-buddies about the event.


The day of the challenge has arrived!

During the competition, the team is really driven to the finish line by the power of the purple T-shirt and the loudest fan base in the world! They did it! Their fundraising campaign is still running for two weeks, so they are happy to receive additional support. It doesn't matter if you have already exceeded the set amount, because the limit is the starry sky!


The campaign ends: joy and pride

The Cool s.r.o. team is rightfully proud of themselfs, as they not only spent valuable, quality time together preparing for the marathon, but also collected more than 1000 EUR in donations for Spolu s odvahou! There is nothing left to do but to bask in the accolades pouring in from their supporters. They deserve it all, because they changed lives and seriously ill kids' as well.

(Slovenčina) Čo je čo na stránke

(Slovenčina) Udalosť: Otvorená udalosť, ktorej sa môže zúčastniť každý. Ak v zozname, ktorý sme vytvorili, nevidíte udalosť, ktorú hľadáte, vyberte možnosť vlastnej kampane a zadajte názov udalosti. Udalosť pre vás vytvoríme.

Profil: Je to ako profil na sociálnych sieťach. Tvoj osobný profil, kde sa budú zobrazovať všetky tvoje kampane a tvoj blog. Ak chcete začať novú kampaň, môžete tak urobiť tu. Tvoje meno sa zjaví tu a všetky kampane, ktorých ste sa zúčastnili, sa budú tu aj po ich skončení.

Kampaň: Tvoja zbierka môže byť v oblasti športu, gastra, umenia, dovolenky alebo akákoľvek iná. Tu môžeš napísať o tvojej aktuálnej zbierke, napísať blogový príspevok a tvoji priatelia tu môžu podporiť tvoju kampaň.

Blog: Počas trvania kampane máte možnosť informovať svojich podporovateľov o svojom pokroku a zážitkoch. Odporúčame vám blogovať, aby mohli vidieť váš proces získavania finančných prostriedkov.


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